"I appreciated reading your story. My wife has had a similar diagnosis and in addition to the various categories that could "explain" her symptoms, her doctor and her research have added Lyme disease to the mix. Have you explored that option? Best wishes for the New Year." Rey Carr

Hello Rey,

Congratulations on being an involved husband. I don't say this lightly because I know how tough it must be for a loved one to 'stand by and watch' without being able to do much. Kudos for you, I hope your wife knows how lucky she is. :-)

Yes, Lyme disease is one of the conditions that have almost identical symptoms to Fibromyalgia, thus it needs to be tested for before making the final diagnosis of Fibromyalgia. Just because someone has the classic tender points and other symptoms doesn't mean they have Fibromyalgia. One of my concerns is that because of the growing number of people (mainly women) doctors will come to the diagnosis faster but at the expense of it being another, much more serious condition.

Conditions with similar symptoms but much more serious are:
  • Lymphoma
  • Hodgkin's Disease
  • Lyme Disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Hepatitis B or C (or other liver conditions) Lupus
  • And other lymphatic or immune related diseases.
I'm sure her doctor has already checked her for the above possibilities and if they've all been ruled out and her diagnosis stands firm at Fibromyalgia, then my story and my book can certainly help.

It's a book about self love. I'm not an expert at Fibromyalgia. I'm an expert at having disliked myself, even hating myself and my life to the point that my body had no choice but to match my inner vibration. I'm also an expert at recognizing that in myself as well as in others, and turning it around 180 degrees. It's a book about a true love story to Self and how to get there and heal our ailments, weight issues and relationship issues by the mere words "I love you" to Self. Of course there are practical steps to take and various natural supplements that helped me recover. There is hope!

I hope these words help and I too wish you and your wife only health, happiness and much love and light for the New Year!

To Submit Your Own Story, click here.

"Hi Chaszey, I too have fibromyalgia, for 14 years; it happened after the birth of my third child. I have a question that maybe you can help me with, my 15 year old daughter is experiencing the beginning stages of what I think it's fm, the sore knots in the shoulders and neck, back pain, fatigue, etc. Do you think she is to young for this horrible disease? Thanks so much." Anabel

Dear Anabel,

Thank you for writing! Fibromyalgia is not a disease in the traditional sense. Yes, the condition promotes strong feelings of dis-ease, but there are no blood tests that confirm one having or not having this condition. I dedicate and entire chapter of what I 'see' in people who have Fibromyalgia. In a nutshell it's body whose wires are crossed to the point where one function doesn't communicate with another function. Just like with Luga's story above, the reason the morphine injections don't work is because her body's wires are crossed and the body doesn't really know what to do with the morphine. In a regular person the brain tells the body to bring comfort and relaxation to one part of the body. However, with a person with Fibromyalgia none of these messages get through. That's why very often people take pain medication and suddenly they work like a pick-me-up drug keeping the person awake and yet the pain still doesn't leave.

Fibromyalgia in its purest sense is a body's nervous system thoroughly inflamed and confused to the point of shut down.No, I don't think that a 15 year old is too young to have the onset or even full blown Fibromyalgia. However, and this is a big however, make sure that other things like MS, Lupus, etc. are ruled out first.

Fibromyalgia comes from stress, not just stress from last year, but stress that was induced when we were children. Stress that went unchecked. Stress that was shoved under the rug because we're supposed to be super women. Even our children and teenagers are pressured to do all and be all. It's too much for our body to handle. And one event, such as an accident or in your case giving birth for the third time, shuts the body down completely.

Add to that the solar and planetary changes that are happening and it's no wonder that more and more people will come down with stress related conditions such as Fibromyalgia. But there is hope!

Be gentle with yourself. Be graceful to yourself and be loving with yourself. Let go of the unnecessary stress related pressures. Get back to nature and doing one thing at a time (rather than multi-tasking). Do everything with love, touch everything with love. Say everything with love (or don't say it at all). :-) Work less, play more. Laugh a lot, show kindness a lot!

Keep me posted on your progress, dear Anabel, and let me know how the book is going for you.

Sending you loving rays of warm sunlight,

To Submit Your Own Story, click here.
"I have been battling Fibro for the past 20 years! And it seems to be getting worse. I also have chronic back pain and have recently had a morphine electronic pump put in for my back. The doctor thought this would surely help the pain of the fibromyalgia but it has not. I'm looking for some kind of relief. Maybe your book will be helpful." Luga

Dear Luga,

Thank you for taking the time to send in your story. My heart-felt cyberhug goes out to you.

As you know, I received cortisone shots from the time I was 4 years old to the time I was 15 years old. The poison attacked my soft tissue and by the time I was 12 years old I was disqualified from school sports. I had an achy body and my lower back was the worst. By the time I was 18 I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and told that my MRI looked as though I was 30 years old and that I needed back surgery, which I refused. By the time I was 25 my back was hurting so badly that neither standing up nor laying down was giving me any relief. Another MRI by a different doctor confirmed that my body had aged and it looked as though he was viewing the insides of a 60 year old woman. God only knows that I felt old and brittle.

I went ahead and had my back surgery. Life has never been the same since and getting Fibromyalgia only a couple of years later only made things worse.I truly understand your pain!Having said that, I hope you will read my entire story and how I healed myself not only from Fibromyalgia, the rheumatism, the chronic fatigue, but also the backaches, the chronic carpal tunnel, the temporary but agonizing lapses of memory and everything else that seems to accompany this condition.

There truly is hope!

Do order the book and find tips and guidance in there, and at minimum someone who relates to you on every level.For now let me tell you this. I know you don't feel like exercising. It seems like a contradiction. How can an achy body get exercised when the last thing you want to do is move? And I'm not asking you to exercise, but I am asking you to try the following. Get 5-10 minutes of sun every day. Go outside and walk in the sun. Walk slowly, however slow you want. As long as you walk and move your body in the sun.

Do this for about a month. Then check back with me.Keep me posted, dear Luga!

Rays to warm your heart on your journey,

To Submit Your Own Story, click here.

"A Story of Survival and
A Spiritual Step by Step Action Guide
to Recovering from Fibromyalgia."

An Overview of Fibromyalgia
It is estimated that 6 to 12 million people in the United States are affected by Fibromyalgia, costing the U.S. Economy over $20 billion dollars. And although there is no known medical cure for the condition, Chaszey Sandhriel, who suffered from Fibromyalgia for many years, is about to share her strategies for how she cured herself of the condition in her upcoming book, Inspiration To Live – A Story of Survival and a Spiritual Step by Step Action Guide to Recovering from Fibromyalgia. She has been healthy for over a decade and has made it her mission to share her wisdom with others so they can transmute this debilitating condition into amazing health once again.
Because there are no tests that provide a clear-cut ‘yes-or-no’ diagnosis, Fibromyalgia continues to be a disputed condition. Many members of the medical community consider fibromyalgia a non-disease because of a lack of abnormalities on physical examination, the absence of objective diagnostic tests, and extensive overlap with other similar conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome. And yet the condition is very real to those 16.2% of patients with Fibromyalgia who are drawing social security and nearly 30% of sufferers claim that they cannot hold down a steady job due to this condition (Source: Wolfe F, et al.: Work and disability status of persons with FMS. J Rheumatology 24(6):1171-8, 1997).
There is No Official Cure - Until Now
To date there is no cure for Fibromyalgia, although the pharmaceutical companies are spending fortunes to produce medicines that help control some of the symptoms or at least bring comfort to those who suffer from the condition. (Source: Chakrabarty, S; Zoorob R (July 2007). " Fibromyalgia". American Family Physician).
Order Your Book Today!

Inspiration To Live – A Story of Survival and a Spiritual Step by Step Action Guide to Recovering from Fibromyalgia. The book will be in bookstores nationwide at the end of March of 2010. Paperback, 250 pages, $15.
What Others Say
"You have given me a refresher on coping with life that I desperately needed and many additional tools to help me achieve my dreams. I will never forget you. You have made a profound impact on my life.” Theresa
“You have me longing for more! It’s so much more than a story, it’s inspirational and spiritual. You have this gift, a way of making people get in touch with the unknown reality of what life is and the fact there is something else around us and in us that you help people uncover; it’s repairing old wounds that shed weight loss physically, mentally and spiritually and restoring perfect health. You are absolutely amazing. I love the CD!” T.B. ________________________________________________________
“Chaszey is masterful at presenting information in a grounded, engaging manner. I learned more from her than I have from many other ‘experts.’ I left feeling encouraged and inspired.” G.K.
“Thank you so very much for all that you do, you have touched my life in such a positive and incredible way. I learned so much from you. And, not just the day-to-day stuff, but the really important life lessons, those golden nuggets that are life changing and stay with you for a lifetime. Thank you again, you beautiful wonderful amazing woman that I admire so much, thank you for being you!!” Cheryl
Fibromyalgia Symptoms
Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Fibromyalgia is described as a chronic, body-wide pain disorder coupled with many other symptoms such as severe daytime fatigue, unrefreshed sleep, bowel and bladder abnormalities, chronic headaches, morning stiffness, cognitive or memory impairments, reduced coordination and decreased physical endurance. In a literal sense Fibromyalgia translates to muscle and connective tissue pain. Other symptoms also include difficulty with swallowing, and numbness and tingling in all of the limbs. Psychiatric conditions associated with Fibromyalgia such as anxiety, depression and posttraumatic stress disorder are also common amongst Fibromyalgia sufferers.

Cancer Risk Doubled for Those With Fibromyalgia

Preliminary findings also indicate that the cancer risk is also doubled in people with Fibromyalgia (Source: Macfarlane GJ, et al.: Widespread body pain and mortality: Prospective population based study. BMJ 22:1-4, 2001).

There is No Official Cure - Until Now

To date there is no cure for Fibromyalgia, although the pharmaceutical companies are spending fortunes to produce medicines that help control some of the symptoms or at least bring comfort to those who suffer from the condition. (Source: Chakrabarty, S; Zoorob R (July 2007). "Fibromyalgia". American Family Physician).

Order Your Book Today!

Inspiration To Live – A Story of Survival and a Spiritual Step by Step Action Guide to Recovering from Fibromyalgia. The book will be in bookstores nationwide at the end of March of 2010. Paperback, 250 pages, $15.
An Interesting Study and Additional Statistics
An Interesting Study and Additional Statistics

In March 2007 Bio Medical Central Musculoskeletal Disorders published a recent Internet study where over 2,500 Fibromyalgia sufferers provided feedback based on their experience with this condition. 98.4% of these interviewees have been formally diagnosed with the condition. The findings can be summarized as follows: Almost 50% of the respondents visited 3-6 health care providers before receiving the final diagnosis. More than 96% of the respondents were middle-aged females, moderately overweight, and 91% were Caucasian. 75% of the respondents had been suffering with the condition for more than 4 years. Approximately 20% of these respondents had filed some form of disability claim and 6% received workman’s compensation.

  • 44% of all respondents had visited a health care provider up to 4 times in the previous year.
  • 23% of all respondents visited a health care provider 5-8 times in the previous year.
  • 14% of all respondents visited a health care provider 9-12 times in the previous year.
  • And 13% reported more than 12 visits to a health care provider in the previous year.
  • Almost 30% of the respondents have visited an Emergency room at least once in the previous year and hospitalization accounts to more than 3% of the respondents.
  • 74% of all respondents spent up to $500 per month on over-the-counter medicines whereas 61% spent up to $500 per month on prescription medicines.

It Is Time!

It is time for Inspiration To Live – A Story of Survival and a Spiritual Step by Step Action Guide to Recovering from Fibromyalgia to come to bookstores nationwide! Please support this mission by pre-ordering your book today. Thank you.


Aniticipated Delivery Date: March/April 2010

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Your book, Inspiration To Live – A Story of Survival and a Spiritual Step by Step Action Guide to Recovering from Fibromyalgia, is anticipated to ship at the end of January 2010.

Please hold on to your PayPal receipt and make a note to look for your book by the end of January. Feel free to contact us at info@corefreedom.com should you have any questions.
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I promise not to spam you or overwhelm you with too many updates. I believe that 'less is more' and definitely in quality over quantity.

May I recommend that you pre-order your book; you'll be one of the first to receive a much needed story of survival. Whether you have Fibromyalgia or you know someone who does, the book is a must-have and a true story of upliftment and inspiration.

Aniticipated Delivery Date: March/April 2010.