"A Story of Survival and
A Spiritual Step by Step Action Guide
to Recovering from Fibromyalgia."
An Overview of Fibromyalgia
It is estimated that 6 to 12 million people in the United States are affected by Fibromyalgia, costing the U.S. Economy over $20 billion dollars. And although there is no known medical cure for the condition, Chaszey Sandhriel, who suffered from Fibromyalgia for many years, is about to share her strategies for how she cured herself of the condition in her upcoming book, Inspiration To Live – A Story of Survival and a Spiritual Step by Step Action Guide to Recovering from Fibromyalgia. She has been healthy for over a decade and has made it her mission to share her wisdom with others so they can transmute this debilitating condition into amazing health once again.
Because there are no tests that provide a clear-cut ‘yes-or-no’ diagnosis, Fibromyalgia continues to be a disputed condition. Many members of the medical community consider fibromyalgia a non-disease because of a lack of abnormalities on physical examination, the absence of objective diagnostic tests, and extensive overlap with other similar conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome. And yet the condition is very real to those 16.2% of patients with Fibromyalgia who are drawing social security and nearly 30% of sufferers claim that they cannot hold down a steady job due to this condition (Source: Wolfe F, et al.: Work and disability status of persons with FMS. J Rheumatology 24(6):1171-8, 1997).
There is No Official Cure - Until Now
To date there is no cure for Fibromyalgia, although the pharmaceutical companies are spending fortunes to produce medicines that help control some of the symptoms or at least bring comfort to those who suffer from the condition. (Source: Chakrabarty, S; Zoorob R (July 2007). " Fibromyalgia". American Family Physician).
Order Your Book Today!
Inspiration To Live – A Story of Survival and a Spiritual Step by Step Action Guide to Recovering from Fibromyalgia. The book will be in bookstores nationwide at the end of March of 2010. Paperback, 250 pages, $15.
Inspiration To Live – A Story of Survival and a Spiritual Step by Step Action Guide to Recovering from Fibromyalgia. The book will be in bookstores nationwide at the end of March of 2010. Paperback, 250 pages, $15.
What Others Say
"You have given me a refresher on coping with life that I desperately needed and many additional tools to help me achieve my dreams. I will never forget you. You have made a profound impact on my life.” Theresa
“You have me longing for more! It’s so much more than a story, it’s inspirational and spiritual. You have this gift, a way of making people get in touch with the unknown reality of what life is and the fact there is something else around us and in us that you help people uncover; it’s repairing old wounds that shed weight loss physically, mentally and spiritually and restoring perfect health. You are absolutely amazing. I love the CD!” T.B. ________________________________________________________
“Chaszey is masterful at presenting information in a grounded, engaging manner. I learned more from her than I have from many other ‘experts.’ I left feeling encouraged and inspired.” G.K.
“Thank you so very much for all that you do, you have touched my life in such a positive and incredible way. I learned so much from you. And, not just the day-to-day stuff, but the really important life lessons, those golden nuggets that are life changing and stay with you for a lifetime. Thank you again, you beautiful wonderful amazing woman that I admire so much, thank you for being you!!” Cheryl