How ludicrous and illogical!
Yet somehow feeding our bodies and losing weight seems to have hit a wall and we try diet after diet, none of which work. In fact we know that 95% of all diets fail.
Here are 3 foods you can ADD to your diet, which will promote natural weight loss. Note that I’m not telling you to cut out any foods, no, I’m asking you to add foods to your current diet:

Drink 1 gallon of water a day. Yes, 1 gallon. When I was first encouraged to drink 1 gallon of water a day I thought to myself that my bladder could never handle that much fluids, but it did and weight started to come off easily and I realized that I was hungry a lot less. Often when we think that we’re hungry our body is actually telling us that it is thirsty. Make sure that you drink your water without lemons or lime and without ice if you can.
Drink as many high-water content foods as you can. Especially for snack. High-water content foods are natural foods that are juice and contain a lot of natural water such as celery sticks, dikon radish, little red radishes, apples, iceberg lettuce and so on. Eat them raw, not cooked. High-water content foods give you that full feeling and their juices are the best natural way to flush out toxins and unnecessary fat cells.
On a side note and food for thought: flushing out non-productive cells also helps eliminate old and unresolved issues, provided you want to let go of old stuff, of course...
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