What organ(s) specifically hurt when we say “my heart is broken”? After all, if we would be hooked up to an EKG machine right after or during a “heart break” we’d be surprised to find out that the EKG won’t signal any major changes that would indicate the diagnosis of a heart break.
So with all of us experiencing emotional pain at some point in our lives, what part of us exactly is affected?
Why is it that, when we get hit or spanked as a child, we may remember the memory of the event but what truly brings us pain are the words that went along with the spanking. How many of you have been hit as a child and when you think about it today and try to determine which body part hurts even to this day, there isn’t one you can detect. However, if the hitting was accompanied by “you’re such a bad girl/boy” or “you’re so dumb” or “you’ll never amount to anything” – those are words that to all eternity stay with us and it is those that bring forth the same sinking feeling that we got when we first heard them.
Granted, we live and we grow and we resolve and we forgive and we let go. And over time we heal, although we may never forget…
When I was 15 I had a death experience during which I was privileged enough to float through a tunnel and see the light. I was given a moment in eternity’s time to “touch” the light and become one with it. Yet “touching” this light was all I needed to sustain me to move forward once back in this world. What amazed me most was the
knowing that became so apparent, about what was truth and what was not. With a 360 degree view on every plane, emotional, physical, spiritual, karmic, and so on, it became obvious that the humming of angels that I heard was in fact the means of transportation, the engine if you will.
There are absolutely no words in the English language that would suffice to describe the love and beauty that I experienced during those moments. I remember first waking up and coming back to this life and the first and most profound “thing” was the overwhelming feeling of love that I felt while being transported through this amazing place. Slowly and day after day the experience unfolded before me as I was able to process it and make sense of it. It still is to this day.
What has stayed with me and what I have finally started to realize over the past few years, is that everything that exists and does not exist, is on the basis of sound. For musicians this may be balm to their soul, because they already know what the rest of the world doesn’t know. Music is healing (provided it is soothing to ones soul).
Decades ago an experiment was made by a man named Chladney. By putting sand on metal plates of different sizes and then pulling a violin string along the metal plate, he created a sound, which caused the sand to start “dancing” and reformat itself to beautiful designs upon the plates. Today, Dr. Emoto is doing the same kind of work by photographing water in its frozen state. Over the decades we have simply become more sophisticated to demonstrate what we already know: sound is all there is for us to know and work with because it is created by light. With sound we heal. With sound we destroy. To get to the "right" types of sound we have to get connected to the light source. The one and only.
Rudolf Steiner (Waldorf Education) wrote books about the 7-year cycle, which every human submits to. It’s a rhythm that we each undergo, as does everything else in the world. Based on his studies he proved that the lungs are the last organs to develop in a child, which is around 14 years old. According to Steiner, a child that has to listen to negativity, yelling, drama, gossip and other non-sense most of this world offer, will not develop healthy organs but retarded organs, which later comes back to bite us in form of ailments in our older age.
A few years ago I became a Reiki Master and with the symbols given I was amazed to find out that by a simple laying on of hands I would be able to help someone get rid of a migraine in just a couple of minutes. Later I found out that if I can blow on the painful area and put my hands on the surrounding area, that the healing would take place more permanently and much quicker. Then I remembered the sounds in “the tunnel” and I asked the Spirit world to provide me with the key notes to use the right sounds to help someone. Yes, this sounds weird, but if you’ve read the previous post on Hiring the Heavens, and you’ve tried it, then this is not a surprise to you. Suddenly I started to realize that I intuitively know what sounds to make and where on the body someone is hurting. By making the appropriate sound (and I never know what sound comes out of me) the frequency of the painful area seems to get scrambled and the pain disappears. When I intuitively look into a person's body that is hurting, all I see is dense electric areas of specific colors. I only use my hands to fill that space with love and light, once the pain has left. Then I realized that by using my voice even while I talk to a person, without them even knowing, there is a frequency that is emitted to them and their pain is leaving by just talking to me, even if the topic we’re talking about has noting to do with their ailment. That is why I decided to record my e-book onto a 6-hour CD. Almost everyone who has bought the audio book tells me that they are transported into a deep meditative state and they often fall asleep. I'm being assured that it is not because it's boring, because it certainly isn't, but that it's because of my voice. And everyone loves the feeling they get. It's a feeling of healing...
I’m not saying these things to get clients or to brag – because I don’t take clients and this is not the work that I do. I am sharing this with you because you too have a frequency that you emit every time you talk. I am going to take this a bit further and say that you not only emit this frequency when you open your mouth, but also when you look at someone, especially when your eyes meet. And going even further, I am sharing with you that your frequency gets emitted to your surroundings by you simply existing and being in a certain location. You don’t even have to look at someone or talk to someone, you influence the place you’re in, whether you like it or not.
So let’s get back to hearts that are broken. First of all, our hearts are not breakable. It’s a figure of speech and yet it’s one that we all have experienced and that is very real to all of us. By using some simple sound techniques you can heal your own heart, rather than hoping that the person who hurt you will bring you healing, or your children, or your spouse, or someone or something else.
Here it is:
You may say: “That’s it!? All I have to do is hum? That’s too easy!”
You don’t have to be a singer and come up with any melody to hum and heal your own heart. All you have to do is hum. Close your eyes and take on a comfortable position, sit on a bench out in nature or better yet, sit on the grass or in the woods on a tree trunk or stay standing hugging a tree. Feel Mother Nature running through your veins, imagine your blood running through your body, follow the red and white blood cells, examine them, be amazed at them. Watch your own atoms as they are changing and forever working in service to you, be in awe because you’re a magnificent Being. Then silently ask your guidance system to help you hum the right notes to break loose any non-beneficial cells that may be blocking you from moving forward and from renewing yourself. Start humming ever so slowly and at a level that maybe only you can hear. This is not about coming up with a new one hit wonder – this is about breaking loose non-beneficial pain and cells that are ready to be let go of.
Another way of starting is to let yourself float out into the Universe and visit other galaxies and to let “them” show you the humming sound of the Universe. When I do this all I hear is a deep electric sound. Most people call this the Om. You can start there, although I want to caution you. The Universe has its own vibration, which is the Om. You on the other hand have your own key stroke, and I can’t tell you what yours is, because mine may be different than yours. You’ll have to find your own.
And the last way to get this key is to focus on your neck area when you meditate. There is a little flame, a pilot light if you will, that shines brighter some days and not so bright other days. It carries the key of your note within it. If you can find this light and tune in to it, then your note will be revealed to you this way.
Yes, it sounds too easy and it is simple. However, the hard part becomes you having the patience until you are revealed your tone so you can hum the exact tune your higher self is giving you. This may very well be one of the most difficult thing you’ll ever do. But when you have figured out the key to your exact tune, you’ll have the key to not only heal your own body, but you can heal your surroundings and your life situations.
Remember to ask for help, and you will receive. Ask for the tune to be shown to you, and it shall be so.
Please let me know how you’re doing on your journey and if you’ve found your key.