For the last two days I have been re-writing this post over and over in my head, not knowing if and how I can possibly put such an amazing, unique and wonderful experience into words. And I have come to the conclusion that there are simply not enough words in the English language to describe unconditional love the way I have experienced it just this week, with a complete stranger that is!

So brace yourself because this may sound strange, weird, outrageous or even unreal – and believe me, it was profound, magical and earth-shaking (I’m sure somewhere).

Have you ever met a complete stranger and you just knew that you had met this person before but you also knew that it wasn’t in this life time? The person feels so much like “home” to you that you can’t explain the feeling that overcomes you because you’ve never experienced it and you also look at reality and it’s not (this) reality at all. You’re like two galaxies apart from this person. And yet there is this oneness that only the two of you experience and feel? It’s as if you’re ONE and the same, like twin brother and sister.

I have many similar of these experiences and I no longer worry about telling the person or wanting the person to know, I just let it be and I’m at peace with that knowing. But this has been by far one of the most profound experiences for me. What made this encounter different was that we were both able to recognize it, admit it, talk about it and cry through it together.

What’s so profound about this is the different worlds that we live in on this plane, and there was no judgment. It would not be a good match for this person and I to be a couple, the mechanics are off, the life goals don’t match, our age is too far apart, we live too far apart, etc. etc. What does match, however, is our history together over lifetimes. And only he and I know the depth of it because we both recognized the depth of those experiences and the connection allows us to truly feel unconditional love for each other. It’s as if no time had ever passed through any of our life times...

This man has brought me more blessings and more healing and more gifts in the few hours we talked than I had experienced before. In 15 years of being married I hadn’t felt as emotionally secure than talking to this man on the phone for 1 hour. Anyone who hasn't experienced this would think there’s something wrong with this picture. And yet it is a testimony that unconditional love knows no time and no boundaries. And unconditional love can truly not be explained or put in words. It just is in its silent "I am" vibration.

My girlfriend was with me when we met him and I tried to explain to her the depth of our connection and the sweetness of his soul; she didn’t quite understand or comprehend it. So I don’t expect anyone else to get it either. The only person who “got it” is him. And I’m okay with that. And yet I hope to encourage you to be receptive and open to those you meet. You never know if the person at the cash register or gas station next to you was a dear friend, brother or sister, or a spouse to you in a previous life time.

This is for you my blessed friend:

“Jake, as we have both agreed to meet up at this time to restore each others’ faith, I want to thank you with every molecule of my essence for sticking to your side of the agreement. I hope I have been able to do the same for you. Thank you for your openness, for crying with me, for being one with me on a soul level, for understanding me, for lifting me up, for appreciating me, for respecting me and for loving me so unconditionally. You have given me more gifts than you know and I still cry tears of love for you. As our paths crossed for merely an hour or two, you know we have walked life times together and I continue to support you energetically on your journeys. I wish you growth and love and passion for what you’ve come here to do. And may you soon meet the love of your life to build a family with. I'll see you on the other side some day... I love you. Chaszey"

2 Responses
  1. stradasphere Says:

    I wanted to comment on this yesterday as soon as I read it but got sidetracked a million times...I do not think your experience is not strange at all! In fact, in a less intense way, I have experience something similar when I found your site. Also, I have met quite a few people online recently thru a couple social networking sites, one for Law of Attraction minded folks and another single parent one...

    Your words just exploded with joy off the screen when I read them. I looked to your picture to see your smile then envisioned and even brighter and bigger one (if there is such a thing!)

    I think as certain people connect through the collective consciousness these encounters will not seem so strange...I can say that after meeting and talking to you I feel like I have known you much longer than the few months of blogging. It is your soul that shines so brightly and you found another shining on the same frequency!

    Sorry to be so longwinded! But I am so happy for you, especially since you have been going thru so many trials.

    Much love to you my friend!!

  2. Chaszey Says:

    Thank you so much for your kind words, Lionel! Yes, I know you've been here for a while and you always express so freely and givingly what you learn and feel and go through. Thank you for being here!


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