Discovering the right Fibromyalgia treatment is crucial if you want to achieve total healing. Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue are painful conditions and the depth of pain varies from patient to patient and from day to day. It is possible to find a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome treatment and a Fibromyalgia treatment. The most obvious distinction between Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia is the difference in pain level. Most Fibromyalgia sufferers experience chronic fatigue, but not all chronic fatigue sufferers experience full body pain.

Chaszey has been free from Fibromyalgia for over 10 years and she shares her hard-earned and sacred path to a complete healing in her new Book - Inspiration to Live - a Spiritual Step-by-Step Action Guide to Healing Fibromyalgia.

Here is just a summary of the most familiar Fibromyalgia treatments offered:

Fibromyalgia Medications:

An optional Fibromyalgia treatment is over the counter pain medications such as Tylenol, Aleve, Motrin or Advil may work temporarily to take the edge off the pain ridden body. Unfortunately they are not as useful, especially since a Fibromyalgia sufferer feels more like they are bruised all over the body. Therefore, physicians often prescribe other medications such as antidepressants in combination with over the counter medications. Part of your Fibromyalgia treatment strategy might be to include antidepressants such as Cymbalta or Savella. Doctors may also prescribe anti-seizure drugs like Neurontin or Lyrica.

Since I have myself suffered from Fibromyalgia for many years and now have been symptom free for more than ten years, I strongly urge people not to overload their already irritated nervous system with a temporary band-aid such as medication. Especially since I was successfully able to heal myself from the inside out with alternative and natural ways. To read my full story or get my book visit my web site at

Fibromyalgia Self-Help:

Additional Fibromyalgia treatment options are to include pain therapy, which is what my physician prescribed a number of years ago. He said that learning how to deal with pain was essential since this condition is never-ending and there are no cures. Personally I refused to consider that there are no cures for this condition, and I'm glad I did (because I was right). There is a treatment.

Part of your Fibromyalgia treatment plan might be to receive individual counseling. Talking to a professional about the challenges this condition brings can help, but only temporarily. In my book I talk about the importance to stop talking about this condition. The more you talk about it, the more you feed its essence. As an alternative talk about the good days ahead and what you're setting up to do when you're totally healed and in better shape than ever.

Physical Therapy and soft massages might also become part of your Fibromyalgia treatment strategy. It is important that you stay away from the general massages such as deep tissue or Swedish massages. They are simply too interfering for your swollen nerves. Instead you may settle for and get pleasure from a lymphatic massage.

Lifestyle Modifications:

An imperative practice to include in your Fibromyalgia treatment strategy is to add a soft and satisfying exercise regime. I can't emphasize this enough. It was the last thing I had energy for, the last thing I wanted to do because every move was painful. Now in hindsight it was the single thing that propelled me forward in the direction of healing Fibromyalgia once and for all. It's important that you are kind with yourself and there is no need to get yourself onto a black, double diamond ski slope packed with moguls; it would only make things worse. Gentle walking and light, light weight lifting to start can work wonders. The key is consistency.

And most importantly - your Fibromyalgia diet. I explain in my book what foods to avoid and what foods to add and I am giving out a few of them with you at this time. While your body is fighting this condition it is critical to stay away from white sugars. White sugar is a natural inflammatory, which is the exact opposite of what your Fibromyalgia treatment strategy needs to entail. Sugar regrettably can be found in many things: sodas, alcohol, ketchup, etc. You must temporarily give up all white sugars if you want total healing from Fibromyalgia. If you must use a sweetener in your tea you can check out using alternatives such as blue agave nectar or stevia.

Another important food group to avoid is dairy. There are a few expectations such as real butter. I grew up on a farm in the Swiss mountains and dairy, cheese, butter and cream were part of our daily menu. I couldn't have envisioned a day without any of them. For a Fibromyalgia sufferer, however, dairy is a natural clogger and acts almost like a glue within the nerves of your vessel.

There are many, many other steps you can add to your Fibromyalgia treatment plan. I talk about it in my book and on my web site. And I will keep on posting articles here and on my blog. Join my e-newsletter and learn even more. I can promise you one thing - there is hope because there is a cure and the cure is within you! I am living testimony.

Chaszey is a keynote presenter and author of Inspiration to Live - a Spiritual Step-by-Step Action Guide to Healing Fibromyalgia. She has been Fibromyalgia free for over 10 years and teaches new Fibromyalgia healing methods that promote effortless health. You can download her eBook now here and receive over $500 in bonuses. Her soft cover copy will be available on Amazon in April 2010.

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