Which Fibromyalgia treatments work greatest and what kinds of Fibromyalgia treatment is best?
There is not one thing you can do to make Fibromyalgia go away - it took a life time of strain for it to reveal and it won't disappear over night by taking some magic pill. However, my own journey is evidence that Fibromyalgia can be overcome, I have been free from the condition for more than years and have dedicated my newest book to those who even now suffer from this devastating and debilitating condition. I share my hard earned lessons in this easy to read book.
Here is a review of various things people are trying in an effort to finding Fibromyalgia treatment:
Fibromyalgia Medications
A number of Fibromyalgia treatments consists of taking medicines to treat symptoms such as muscle ache, sleep problems, depression, fear or anxiety. Some approved Fibromyalgia medicines are Cymbalta, Lyrica, Savella. I am naturally against medication but particularly for someone with Fibromyalgia. A person's wiring system that suffers from Fibromyalgia symptoms will over time get even more confused and only makes the body more susceptible to other problems. New research shows that cancer risk is twofold for those with Fibromyalgia. There are many alternative Fibromyalgia treatment strategies available.
Physical Therapy for Fibromyalgia Sufferers
Another Fibromyalgia treatment that physicians often prescribe is physical therapy to help control Fibromyalgia pain and to teach self-management skills. I personally believe that a day by day, gentle and regular exercise program works miracles. I recall it being the last thing I wanted to do. My body was aching, I felt like I had been in a horrible accident and felt injured all over my body and the last thing I wanted to do was move my body. And yet it was the one task that eventually helped me make a come back. The secret is to be gentle and kind to yourself. There's no need to be harsh with your body.
Medical Marijuana
I have a zero tolerance for drugs, period, and while there may (or may not) be proof that marijuana works as a Fibromyalgia treatment, what gets ruined in your brain along the path is irreparable. The trade-off is not worth it.
Fibromyaliga Diet
A very valuable Fibromyalgia treatment is to eat healthy. The longest chapter in my book is dedicated to the Fibromyalgia diet and I can't stress enough how imperative a healthy diet is for Fibromyalgia sufferers. For immediate relief there are 3 things you can cut out immediately and get excellent results:
- white sugar
- dairy products
- articifial anything (be it artificial butter or articifial sweeteners)
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