The answers ranged and were as follows. One person said: “I would feel relieved.” Heads were nodding.
Another person said: “I would feel more at peace and not so stressed and worried.” Everyone concurred.
And someone else said: “I would feel free to do what I want to do and go anywhere I’d like to go; I’d feel happy about that.” A resounding “yes” was heard across the room from all participants.

I pointed out to the group that the majority of people mentioned words like relief, peace, freedom, and happiness. Those, however, are not qualities that can be bought. Those are states of BEING, not states of doing or states featuring a price tag.
Since when do we put a price tag on emotions that come from within? And yet we do, even if not on purpose.
I asked the group why they have not chosen to be in these states of being right NOW, even though the money wasn’t here. Thoughts crossed through everyone’s faces, and heads lowered.
Then the silence broke and a woman shared that she had been poor growing up and she learned how to stretch a dollar and considered herself a frugal spender. She married a millionaire a few years back and divorced him after a year. She was not married long enough to get any part of his estate and she said that was just fine with her. It was the biggest learning experience for her and sobering. She stated that he was mostly stressed about losing his money, worried that people would steal from him or blow up bids or give him an unfair deal. He was supposedly stingy as can be and far from being happy or peaceful. She couldn’t take the superficiality any longer and learned first hand that happiness doesn’t come from money. It comes from within.
Having money to pay for your bills is certainly better than having to worry about getting your electricity turned off. Abundance, however, doesn’t have anything to do with money. It means “in excess of” or “a surplus” or "a lot of" – not necessarily of money, a surplus of happiness means Abundance just as much as having more than enough to buy whatever you want. Having a lot of health means just as much Abundance to a sick person as a million bucks may mean to a poor person. It's all relative and YOU put the price tag on each of these qualities.
So is it possible to have too much money so our worries and concerns are increased and in turn this worry gets us sick? In my opinion, absolutely, I see it quite often in fact.
There is nothing wrong with money in and of itself. Money is only paper until we as humans put energy into its fabric. This energy can be positive AND negative. Unfortunately most of the money today contains energetic frequencies that vibrate on the level of greed, jealousy and unfortunately that of blood.

And isn’t it interesting that many couples report that one of their biggest fight causing topics is that of money?
No wonder the bible says that the love of money is a root of all evil.
There is so much more to talk about this topic, perhaps I could write a book about it one day. For now, let’s concentrate on the qualities that carry with it the purest of vibrations: those of happiness, peace, relief, joy and so on. Those qualities are priceless and can only be found within, and only within one person only: YOU and you only. Seek (within) and ye shall find it (within you and you only).
Much love along your path and may it be sprinkled with lots of golden rays of sunlight.
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