As I took inventory of the past two weeks, I realized that I had been more and more tense and irritable and it showed in the way I dealt with my daughter. She seemed to have found some extra buttons I didn’t know I had, and she pushed them like a little 2 year old that just found a treasure.

But there was something else. Something that takes courage to be open about, at least for me.
Two weeks ago a gentleman asked for my phone number. Over the past year I had hoped he would ask for my number, and he finally did (patience is a virtue after all).
Something was wrong though, I couldn’t put my finger on it. As soon as I walked away I felt something not being right. Do you ever get this feeling? I tried to brush it off and go with the flow of life and “wait and see” what happens. After he didn’t call me for 4 days, I decided to listen to my intuition and find out what this feeling was about. I asked him why he asked me for my phone number and besides assuring me that he will definitely call, he also told me that he was “kind’a seeing someone” but that it’s “coming towards the end.”
(I’m backup plan B for this guy!?)
There it was! My intuition was hinting at something, even though I had to find out for myself what it was (or I could have chosen to ignore it and just wait).

I had a choice to make. Did I want to go with my emotional and physical feelings and “wait” for this guy to get his act together, or did I want to stick up for myself and forget about him (see previous post on sticking up for ourselves)? I decided that neither is really necessary or applicable.
When building specs ask for a 4x4 post, any building contractor will use a 4x4 post. The strongest point of a 4x4 is in the center. If he were to use two 2x4s put together, he would find a center that is hallow, empty, and weak. Just like this relationship would have been. He is a “square peg in the round hole” – something neither of us would have been happy with, and heart ache would have been the end result.

Am I still attracted to this guy? Absolutely, I was a year ago. And for over a year I have been wondering “what if.” Now the wondering is over, now I know. Although he may have wondered why I was riding him so hard about not calling, I had nothing to lose and only time and honor to gain. I was divinely blessed to find out right away, before my heart got involved too much and before I gave something away that I could never take back.
So yes, I’m a bit sad, but mostly I’m curious as to why I attracted an unavailable guy. If Lao Russell’s words are true when she says: “The whole universe is a mirror which reflects back to us that which we first reflect forward into it,” then my work here is not done. In fact, it may have just begun. It’s obvious from my neck pain and until I am getting this lesson figured out my body will continue to “flag me” down.
So when your body is talking to you even if in the slightest way, try not to dismiss it. Listen to it, take your time and sit with it, ask it to tell you what’s up. And it will, your body is your greatest friend, an assembly of symbols and mechanical extensions that act up when they’re not at ultimate peace within your higher self.

May rays of sunshine brighten your path and your face today so you can glow and radiate!
I have known for sometime about how the body reflects when something is wrong emotionally. But sometimes I just don't listen. My neck has been killing me lately and I have been thinking it is just stress over finances but perhaps I should meditate a bit and see if there is more...money problems are always with me right now so that seems like an easy answer.
Time to dig deeper.
BTW...while I don't know you except from what you have shared here...you don't seem like a "plan-B" sort of woman! Just my observation....sending a hug now.
Dear Lionel,
You're so sweet, no, I'm definitely not a plan B type of woman. I certainly won't settle for mediocre, after all, this is my life (and his) we're talking about. I happened to know that I'm too much woman for most men to handle (or perhaps they're just not man enough). I don't mean this in an arrogant way; it's a simple matter of electricity. Not everyone can handle high voltage...and that's perfectly okay :-) And in a way I'm actually blessed that I get to "weed out" potential men like that without having to "try them on." All it takes is one, only one. And I just got one day closer to him...
As far as your neck is concerned. Money matters are in your lower back, kidney area. Neck issues have to do with "seeing the sides of others," being stiff-necked and stubborn, wanting to prove your point, being inflexible in some area of your life. :-) Upper back problems with shoulder issues are related to feeling lack of support (having to do it all by yourself).
Ask your Self, the answer is there...
Hugs back at you,
Well then that makes sense because the financial issues have to do with my soon to be ex wife and how she spends money so there is a relationship there. I knew I would find the answer.
Your thoughts on electricity are so interesting...when I first read you it made total sense. I guess some call it chemistry but electricity makes more sense to me. It sounds more exciting too.
I don't know if I asked you this but if you get a moment, I would love to get your comments on two songs lyrics I wrote the other day. They are on my blog. www.stradasphere.blogspot.com
Light, music, and love to you!
Hi Lionel,
Yes you did ask me but I didn't have your url, now I got it. I am spending today in "low key" mode and will take a look at your blog and give you feedback.
Have a blessed day!
Just soul soothing and warming words, amazing what impact 26 letters in our alphabet can create - so much love and so much peace. Great job!
PS: I tried to leave this on your blog, but somehow my password wasn't accepted...
Thank you for "listening"...I hope to write the guitar and singing parts soon, record the songs and give them to my kids...when I do I will post on my blog for all to hear!
Can't wait for your next post!
I hope your daughter is doing better.