I was teaching a class Goal Setting this week. As I went around the room, it was interesting to see that most people did have goals and they had the idea down of what their goals are, but no one had the specifics. One person would say: "I want to lose 20 pounds." Another person said: "I want to find the love of my life." And another person said: "I want to start my own business."
These are not goals, this is wishful thinking. The whole world wants things, the whole world dreams of a better life. No one wants a life that sucks us dry and is boring and without purpose. So why do only a few achieve their dreams? Is it because life is truly unfair to most of us? Or is it perhaps because we do not live with deliberate intention?
When you set goals that you want to materialize for yourself, you have to add the right ingredients, bake to perfection and then enjoy:
Goals must be:
1. Specific (describe your goal in as much detail with as few words as you can)
2. Measurable (I want to lose 20 pounds vs. I want to lose weight)
3. Realistic (I want to lose 20 pounds by the end of this week is not realistic)
4. Challenging (Make your goal stretch you and reach for the stars)
5. Completion Date (most people miss this one; they say "I want to lose 20 pounds this year," instead of "I want to lose 20 pounds by such-and-such a date")
Once you have your goals set according to this formula above, create smaller action steps. Because if you just write down your goals and don't put action behind your dreams and goals, then the Universe can't bring you what you so desire. It is by your strong arms that you achieve your goals.
Glory be to self-empowerment - I know you can do it!
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