This is a long post and oh-so worth reading. I get worked up (in a good way) when I hear of children shooting other children or people snapping out of seemingly no where. Then the media is all over it looking for answers when the answers are so clearly in front of us. I hope this post gets published and spread across the world because it is so important that we as adults “get this” once and for all.

I shared a little bit about all the red flags that were being waved at me by the Universe right before I decided to marry my husband. The flags were there, I made a choice to disobey and ignore them. I wanted to get married and nothing and no one was getting in the way of it. And so it was. When our daughter was 2 and she entered the “terrible 2s” we started to get reports from pre-school that she was showing more and more signs of anger. She bit or hit other children seemingly out of the blue. We were advised to get her psychiatrically evaluated. We did. It was recommended that we would put her on Ritalin to see if there would be a change in her. The doctor said that if she did not have ADD or ADHD and she didn’t need the medication that she would not display any changes. However, if her behavior changed and she became less angry in her physical outbursts, then she would need the medication.

Here was my response: “Over my dead body will I give this child medication just to make her more manageable to adults who instead need to learn how to deal with children going through their two’s. Perhaps you should go on medication for even making such a recommendation.”

It was the first major division that my husband and I experienced in our marriage. I had lost faith in Western medicine a long time ago and rarely believed anything a Western doctor told me, let alone stuffing my child on medicine so she would become a Zombie. He on the other hand was a “Yes, Doctor, whatever you say” type of man.

My daughter is almost 15 today and not once did we give her any medicines; she is doing great in school, knows herself very well and has no problems sticking up for herself and others; we switched to another pre-school when she was 2 and I became a stay-home mom. Yes, it came with a huge financial change because I was the main bread-winner – but honestly, can money be put in the same pot as our children? All children need and want is TIME, (isn't that all men and women want in their relationships as well?) and there is no price tag attached to time. In fact, every parent gets 24 hours with their children, even people like Oprah, the president or Bill Gates and other multi-millionaires; no money can buy more than 24 hours a day no matter who you are.

A study was done in Switzerland, my home country, where they took pictures of the brain of elderly people in nursing homes who had violent tempers. Low and behold, the same part of the brain that is affected by Ritalin showed evidences of holes in the brain tissues. And isn’t it interesting to know that after doing research all of these people had been on some kind of “calming” drug as they went through life?

It pisses me off that parents and society are so damn ignorant and constantly wanting the easy way out – all at the cost of their children’s well-being! How many couples do you know that stick together for the children? Since when are our children silly-putty to hold together our dysfunctional marriage? No wonder these little guys are angry and upset at the world. They don’t have the vocabulary or even the understanding at what they are angry at in the first place. So we label them ADD and ADHD. To make it worse we now label adults that way!

I give you a hint: it’s called STRESS.

In preparation to read and understand this post, please read the previous post from February 11th. It saddens me greatly to see the world in so much ignorance with what is going on inside of us all. Just because shootings happen in other States and they are other parents’ children doesn’t mean we are not all affected. I was puzzled that we too had a recent teenage suicide a couple of weeks ago and only 11 out of thousands of parents showed up to our Teen Depression and Teen Suicide presentation. We would so much rather look the other way and pretend that our children are not “that” depressed and therefore it doesn’t concern us. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

So granted, we know that the first dysfunctional family existed with Adam and Eve, long before Cain and Able showed up and one killed the other. The parents were already screwed up before Cain and Able were ever born. She deceived him with her manipulative ways and he was a cowered and didn’t stick up for what was right – both lost and today's couples still seem to struggle with the same issues. Not much has changed other than that most couples pay thousands of dollars to a therapist to rehash the same old crap each week for decades to come. Take away that “fake” band aid from the relationship and most likely the relationship won't hold together. There is indeed a time and place for therapy, I’m all for it, however, most use it as a band aid and they never get to a place where they can function without that additional help.

Hint: if the specs ask for a 4x4 post don’t try to make a 2x4 fit, you’ll pound and hammer on that 2x4 until it splits and breaks into a thousand pieces and in the end you have nothing. Sounds like most marriages doesn’t it.

Today we would rather pretend and make therapy and our children the silly-putty that holds marriages together rather than true and unconditional love. And we would rather stuff our children with medication and shut them up so they are manageable to the adults who can’t handle them in the first place.

What the hell is wrong with humanity??

Let’s talk about Cause and Effect for a minute. An entire CD in my program is dedicated to this topic because once you understand Cause and Effect a person can apply this formula to any challenge in their life and instantly solve their problems, whether they be health challenges, dealing with “impossible” children or a cheating spouse. Whatever the case may be, understanding this one lesson and how to apply the formula is a miracle in and of itself. It is the easiest lesson of life, in fact it is so simple that most don’t get it.

Cause and Effect is the only Law of the Universe upon which all other laws are built. We hear more about the Law of Attraction than we do about any other law, and while it is a good law it is only another law based on the foundation of the Law of Cause and Effect. The first law is Cause and Effect; ignore all others until you understand this one, then all the others will make sense.

Cause is always internal, Effect is always external.

No Exception.

Look at this first picture showing Cause at the center.

Everyone understands how a rock thrown into a lake causes ripple effects. The majority of people would say that the rock is the Cause of the ripples. This is not correct, however. The rocks is actually Effect number 1. The ripples are Effect number 2. Although long after the rock has sunk to the bottom of the lake, the ripples (effects) are still continuing to grow. So it is with our problems of life. Long after the thought we thought about has put in motion the ripple effects of our life, the thought has disappeared and we have long forgotten about it because now we are busy trying to make the ripple effects of our negative thought go away.

However, the thought only appeared to be the original cause, this is deception in its truest sense. That’s why positive thinking alone does absolutely nothing for most people.

Thoughts come from somewhere deep within. A thought, although within, materializes without causing havoc if the thought was impure or tainted. Positive thoughts bring about positive results, yes. But WHAT exactly makes us think the thoughts we think?

If you can see, feel, touch, sense or hear whatever it is you’re trying to fix (even a “broken hearted” teenager) then you are looking at an Effect, not a Cause. You can never, ever, ever fix an Effect and expect the problem to be gone. As long as the Cause is still there, new ripple effects will reappear eventually. Hence, people say: “Why do I keep attracting these losers?” It's because you didn't take care of the thing that causes you to attract them in the first place.

So as parents and teachers and authority figures of any sort what do we try to do? Fix the teenager or child by pumping them full with medication (that ought to calm them down!). It’s like chasing after one of the ripples on a lake and wanting to make it go away, it’s impossible!

There is more to this Cause and Effect Law. Look at this seesaw.

Cause is the fulcrum, always steady, always calm, it never moves, it only balances the lever. Our thoughts, however, always change. Thus thoughts can’t be Cause. Cause is always within, never without. Whatever comes from Cause (the fulcrum) creates an imbalance of the lever called Life. What is out of balance must come back into balance. Hence “Opposites attract.”

There is always only one Cause, there are always two Effects.

Whatever shows up on one side of the lever must show up on the other side of the lever in equal measures.

“What goes around comes around.”
“And eye for an eye.”

Back to the rock that is NOT the Cause of the ripples on the lake. At first blush we think that it is our thoughts that rule our outward world. And that is correct only if one knows how to think conscious thoughts and has the knowledge to think the thoughts that bring them the circumstances they wish to experience. Tell a starving child somewhere in the world that they should think positive thoughts and visualize plenty of food and they would look at you cross-eyed because they don’t KNOW this experience, they have never experienced or even seen plentiful of food.

There are only two Causes: One stems from the Light, the other stems from the Darkness.

What keeps the lever even is the invisible equator called Balance. The moment we get out of balance Nature brings us back into balance, even if it hurts us. The good news is that we are in charge 100% - only us, no one else.

You choose every time you make a decision if you are about to receive Effects that will resemble light and love, or Effects that will result in chaos and disaster. It’s called FREE WILL and FREEDOM of CHOICE. There is no one to blame.

My entire CD program and e-Book is based on this one simple law: The Law of Cause and Effect. It is the only valid law in the Universe upon which all other laws are built, including the Law of Attraction (what you are on one side of the lever must undoubtedly be brought to you on the other side of the lever by your equivalent). So if the Law of Attraction or Law of Allowance have never made much sense to you, understanding the Law of Cause and Effect will bring all puzzle pieces into balance for you.

Wishing you a conscious journey that you design for yourself with love and light, so it can be a joy to walk this path called Life.
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