Here is what happened as I got in my car and thought about the events of the day. I said “good bye” to a friend and although it was done and over with, so I thought, there was a “void” in my heart that I subconsciously wanted to fill. Do you ever feel like that? Chocolate does wonders for stuffing and “dressing” wounds and serves miraculously like the calming balm that we need when our heart is wounded. Some reach for alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, sex, solitude or whatever soothes our hurting heart. Most wounds are festering deep below the surface and over time we actually forget that the wound is still there. It won’t go away until it is completely healed. And just like white blood cells come to the rescue automatically when our skin is hurt, our brain signals to us to eat the stuff that serve to “heal” our wounds. Now, you and I know that this “healing method” is no healing method at all. It’s an illusion gloriously put on by our twin joined at our hip to deceive us. His name is Ego.

As I walked away from this woman and towards my car I felt a “skip” in my walk and I felt happy and content that I was able to help this woman out and that I did not buy the chocolate, because I didn’t need it and I certainly didn’t really want it (my ego only made me believe that I needed it, it was a lie). I got in the car and said a prayer for the woman, my friend and my Higher Self, thanking everyone for keeping to their part of the Universal contract – to teaching me the lessons I have come to learn, so I can grow and graduate these classes on this evolutionary journey called life.

So in one swoosh I permanently healed a wound by learning that GIVING out of selflessness is the only healing balm there is. There is no such thing as beating a dead horse when it is already dead, by revisiting the issue over and over again. I said good-bye, I needed to let it go – not tomorrow, not in a year from now – today and now. And I was able to do just that in less than a 10 minutes simply by giving to someone else.

Today was a glorious and happy day. One that was lighter, with less of a load to carry. One that was filled with unconditional love. And my wish for you is that you too can connect the dots quickly when you are hurting. I find that all I need to do is want to connect the dots and the tools appear before me in miraculous ways.

Until tomorrow, much love to you and your friends and family.
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