Do you ever feel like the world is too heavy for you to carry? There is too much work, not enough hours in the day, and before you know it your motivation and energy to even begin the work has left you - leaving you wondering why you suddenly procrastinate all that needs to get done...

I've been feeling like this lately - simply wanting to stay out of the office because the papers are piling up, work needs to be done, but because of the type of work (taxes, filing, reorganizing) I make excuses to postpone it to tomorrow, then tomorrow, then tomorrow.

And if you know a little bit of Feng Shui, then you know that clutter has a powerful effect on keeping us stagnant and stuck.

Or perhaps you need to clear your life in general (from negativity, or people who are negative), and you postpone and you delay and you procrastinate. And before long where there was one tiny challenge, there now is a big elephant of a problem.

I hope these words help.

More wisdom from Christian Larson:

"Man lives to move forward, to move forward is to live more.

"To live more is to be more and do mpre; and it is being and doing that constitutes the path of happiness.

"The more you are the more you do, the richer your life, the great your joy. But being and doing must always live together as one.

"To try to be much and not try to do much is to find life a barren waste. To try to do much and not try to be much is to find life a burden too heavy and wearisome to bear.

"The being of much gives the necessary inspiration and the necessary power to the doing of much.

"The doing of much gives the necessary expression to the being of much. And it is in the bringing forth of being through the act of doing that produces happiness that is happiness.

"Being much gives capacity for doing much. Doing much gives expression to the richest and the best that is within us. And the more we increase the richness of that which is within us, the more we increase our happiness, provided we increase, in the same proportion, the expression of that greater richness.

"The first essential is provided for by the being of much; the second, by the doing of much; and the secret of both may be found by him who lives to move forward."

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